April 2017

EasterWe’re hoping our partners are enjoying leap into Spring and on behalf of everyone at ExchangeDefender we wish all the best to those observing Passover and Easter holidays. In this season where things come back to life, ExchangeDefender is enjoying a very exciting rebirth of its own and I wanted to have a honest explanation of what we’re up to.

If you’ve kept up with us over the past few years you’ve noticed that we’ve been developing more and more of a service infrastructure and a service business. Some of that is due out of necessity because partners are unwilling or incapable of rolling out complex consulting and encryption services, some of it is out of opportunity where partners have rushed to outsource migrations and management to us. Over the past few years we merely began to scratch the surface of what we’re capable of delivering in the messaging and security space and with that came certain opportunities and challenges.

Our primary challenge was that of infrastructure and management policies. Who cannot relate to that? In order to make us a process oriented machine, Shockey Monkey had to grow and have entire sections rewritten from scratch. So much so that towards fall Shockey Monkey (under new name, brand and model) will come out as it’s own standalone business. We added data centers, power, infrastructure – all at the same time that we’ve been upgrading and migrating to the latest and the greatest all around a new process that has truly changed the organization at it’s very core.

Which leads me to the biggest challenge we’ve had to overcome: Deeply skilled and long tenured staff really loves new processes, changes and sudden urge to move faster than ever before to take an advantage of new business opportunities. I wish. We lost a great deal of talent that had unfortunately grown comfortable in their roles – but as you know, opportunity waits for no one. After several months of brutal schedules, deadlines, changes and audits I am happy to say that we have the most talented staff I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.

This winter has been long, dark and full of challenges. But we’ve sprung forward in a way that I haven’t seen this company move in nearly two decades that I’ve ran it. Our opportunity, and our unique skill set, are making it possible for us to provide solutions to problems I never dreamed we could fix.

I wanted to take this opportunity to reconnect with you. If we haven’t spoken in a while, call. If we haven’t seen each other or chatted on Facebook, connect with me there. I’m excited about what we’re up to and look forward to showing you what we’ve been up to. But most of all, I wish you as successful of a spring season as we’ve had here. You can teach an old dog new tricks.


Vlad Mazek, CEO