Bug Squashing–Developer’s Journal

Bug Squashing–Developer’s Journal

shutterstock_52958431Over the course of the last few months we have published a significant amount of new features into Shockey Monkey. However, these last few weeks we have been focused on fixing some outstanding bugs within our software. With the introduction of our guided setup coming soon, we are trying to assure that we eliminate all of the bugs that have a huge impact on your ability to run your business.

Here are some of the bugs that were addressed over the last few weeks:

Administrators cannot approve/deny time sheets or time off requests.

This has been fixed – Not only can administrator’s change the status on these requests, but employees can now see that status when they view their request.

Employees were able to see the Corporate tab, when they did not have administrative privileges.

This has been fixed – While they could see the tab, they did not have the ability to view/edit any information contained within this section. However, we have fixed the issue that was allowed them to view this section.

When creating an employee for the first time the access level was not being applied to the account. It would require an edit/save, for the access level to take place.

This has been fixed – Now when an employee is created, the access level is applied instantly.

Within the contact/company section when trying to use the lookup feature you would be presented with a 404 popup.

This has been resolved.

Multiple issues with the Documents section within the portal.

We have fixed these issues and made some visual improvements to this section.

Issues with Settings > Experimental Features, which would not allow clients to close a ticket.

This has been resolved.

Links have been added back to the dashboard.

The agreement section had several issues, which have been addressed.

Administrators/Employees can no longer remove themselves from the system.

This fixes an issue where users would remove the last administrator from the portal “themselves”, thus locking themselves out of their portal.

The SLA System, has received a major rewrite and now functions as intended.

The project section had several bugs, which were limiting the functionality of this section.

This section is due for an update both visually and functionality wise, look forward to this in an upcoming release.

Upon having a ticket assigned to an employee, they would receive an empty email.

This has been resolved; information is now contained within these emails.

There was a bug that would cause ticket rendering to become jumbled, upon adding an internal note.

This has been resolved.

Next week, we should have a very exciting addition to Shockey Monkey! Make sure to check back next week, you don’t want to miss this new feature. I will say that it is something that has been requested for quite some time now.

Hank Newman
VP, Development