Would You Like Some RAM with That?

Would You Like Some RAM with That?

hp-no-hardwareRemember the days when PC upgrades were big business? Adding RAM, upgrading hard drives, installing CD and DVD drives, setting up video cards for gamers, and adding those sound blaster audio cards. Well the days of add-ons and upgrades are all but gone. Today, the world of IT has changed drastically.

PC’s have evolved from build your own, to big brands, to now desktop replacements. With portability being a big factor for business users, and devices having fewer replaceable parts, hardware has become disposable. This has made the days of upgrades and add-ons, a thing of the past.

IT businesses are finding new ways to add-on and upgrade customer experiences without the need for expensive hardware upgrades. The key for IT service companies has been to find common needs and issues that plague customers and can be resolved through software or cloud services. There are a number of these issues that can be bundled into a suite of services or provided individually. Most of these products can provide recurring revenue to the business as well, which creates additional stickiness to customers.

Some of the common solutions are:

*Spam Filtering

*Backup Hosted

*Email Services


*Cloud Storage

*Hosting/Website Services

New and emerging solutions:

*Password Protection

*Social Media Marketing


*Mobile Device Management

*BYOD Policy Management

Treating these services and products just like the hardware upgrades and add-ons of the past, will provide a new source of revenue for those businesses looking to replace lost hardware upgrade sales. These types of upsells are not only easy, but they provide customers with much needed services that can help their productivity and bottom line.

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777