Customer Service & Loyalty

Customer Service & Loyalty

CustomerServiceIf you own a business, I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the objective of your company is to make money. To do so, you must focus in on a majority of factors. One of which, is providing customers with satisfaction. Creating customer satisfaction with your base is the first step to making those customers loyal to your company. If you browse a bookstore long enough, you can find no less than hundred “how-to” books on customer satisfaction. This is because the authors of these books understand one key foundation in every business: Without customers, you have no business! With that said, there are simple pieces of advice that may seem trivial, but nevertheless, are the keystones to providing great customer satisfaction:

Be Nice

Listen to the Customer

Be Empathic to Customer Issues

Present Solutions to the Customer

This list may sound like common sense to you, but most of these items are neglected and are the top four complaints of customers. Good customer service is essentially a variation on the golden rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. If people believe that they’re being remembered and are recognized by the business, this will have a positive impact on the way they feel toward your business.

So why is this important to marketing? Because it is well known that it is five times more profitable to spend your marketing dollars to retain the customers that you have than to use the dollars to beat the bushes for new customers. Marketing to loyal customers makes selling your new ideas, services, and products much easier than if you had to obtain new business. This is one of the main reasons we closed down our Partner Program to new business. We wanted to concentrate of our partners who have been with us for a very long time. This is not to say that you should never expand your customer base, just remember who brought you to the dance in the first place.

The way companies can cultivate a strong customer relationship is simple: Keep in touch with the customer! Too many times, businesses do not take advantage of information provided by their customer base. This information can consist of email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, etc. These are customers who have had a great experience in the past shopping with your business, and no one ever contacts them again. One of the most common phrases around our office is: ‘Pick up the phone and give the guy a call.’ Maintain a strong communication with your customer base. Let them know what your company is planning for the future. Let customers in on special sneak peak offers, future products, or ideas that are in the pipeline. Get them excited!

Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707