How LiveArchive Works

How LiveArchive Works

Picture1This is written in the feature page of ExchangeDefender but I’m going to through an “off the cuff” answer out there to address some things that are common sense to most people, but NOT all.

First off, remember the layer that ExchangeDefender resides on within the mail delivery process. We accept mail from the internet before your server does and you relay mail out to us before the messages goes to the internet. With those points in place, let’s start with some recent questions, scenarios & complaints.

Do you capture of all our internal emails in LiveArchive too?

We could, if, and that is a big IF, you can get your exchange server to send all external email via the smarthost and somehow not create a mail loop. So generally that turns out to be a no, unless you’re the Yoda of Exchange admins. The bottom line is if you can get it to us, we can include it.

Hey this company now has “x” as the primary domain, why is it different on ED?

Remember although we do not differentiate domain handling, we surely do differentiate primary email addresses and aliases. Your LiveArchive account sign in is whether you use Active Directory dumping into the xml dump or XDSYNC. So whatever hierarchy we currently have is how we got the information in the first place. OR if you did it manually, it’s how you input it.

I just logged into LiveArchive and there’s NOTHING THERE!! I want a refund.

If we check your MX records and they’re pointed elsewhere AND we have nothing in our mail logs for you. We cannot help you with this issue at all. The mailbox is there sitting, waiting on bended knee for your mail flow.

Carlos Lascano
VP Support Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x737