Shockey Monkey Email Connector

Shockey Monkey Email Connector

Today I am going to cross over into the Shockey Monkey realm to clarify some things that we didn’t document in as much detail based on a few assumptions. And we all know what happens when you assume.

We assumed that nobody would point their MX record to ExchangeDefender without signing up for ExchangeDefender. And this is why I’m blogging about it on the XD space, because it ends up as a support issue within in ExchangeDefender.

I just signed up for Shockey Monkey in what order should I go about employing the email to ticket gateway?

First you need to sign up for ExchangeDefender for Service Providers (It’s Free!) and it will allow you to deploy ExchangeDefender for your portal’s desired email domain. Remember you must add your domain to ExchangeDefender for ExchangeDefender to process your email. The following guide walks you through the entire ordering process and deployment process. My personal piece of advice, don’t touch the Exchange portion until your domain has propagated through ExchangeDefender.

So don’t make any DNS changes nor any Exchange side changes until the work in is complete and has been propagated.


Can I test this before I make changes?

Absolutely, you can do manual SMTP tests for both by telneting on port 25. But here’s a full walk through:

Once you have confirmed we are accepting mail on your behalf, then you can go back into the top link here and finish the DNS changes and Exchange side changes.

Finishing Touches

The smallest thus easiest thing to overlook is the vanity address forward. If you intend to use something that’s NOT as your email to ticket address, then you must set up a forward on your exchange or pop server to forward from (as an example) to

NOW, you’re all set.

Carlos Lascano
VP Support Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x737