Repeat Issues

Repeat Issues

Repeat IssuesI’d like to recommend that this blog should be a required read for your support staff as soon as possible and have them subscribe to this blog. I know generally the folks that have the time to read this blog are probably not the same folks that handle the support, my posts focus solely on making things easier for your staff. I’m going to broach the topic of mail flow questions again, because regardless of how much faster it would be if folks familiarize themselves with the troubleshooting process, we still get the same question from the same people. So here we go again, let’s get into a couple of repeat issues:

If a domain is not getting mail please follow this guide:

Another popular question that keeps coming up is regarding the XDSYNC password sync feature. Remember guys, the password syncs DOWN from the Cloud (ExchangeDefender) to the AD tree(s). If you make to the last sentence Hank does explain the flow.

Carlos Lascano
VP Support Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x737