Product Demo Webcast

Product Demo Webcast

Vlad Mazek, CEO of Own Web Now Corp, is presenting to two small business user groups tonight on a variety of technology and business subjects Own Web Now Corp is involved in. If you’d like to attend the access is free, details below:

Tonight’s presentation is free, live over the web and starts at 7:30 PM EST. It ends at approximately midnight EST. Here is the preliminary schedule.

7:30 – 8:30 EST: Exchange 2007 Overview (Level 100)

8:30 – 9:00 EST: ExchangeDefender, Shockey Monkey (Level 0)

9:30 – Midnight: Virtualized Services (Level 200), Shockey Monkey, ExchangeDefender, and other tools we make (and why) that IT solution providers are using to make more money. These will be product demo’s, not sales pitches.

Is there anything else you’d like to hear? Since we’re pretty much inviting SBSers worldwide, is there something you’d like to see? See you tonight, livemeeting info below:

Meeting URL: Livemeeting Address

Meeting ID: D7QS3H

Meeting Key: bn6′%~P