ExchangeDefender Outlook 2013 Integration

ExchangeDefender Outlook 2013 Integration

We’re happy to announce Outlook 2013 addin for ExchangeDefender. You can download it here and you won’t have to use anything but Outlook to access your most frequently used ExchangeDefender functions such as management of SPAM quarantines, whitelists, stats and so on. The plugin will refresh the data every 30-60 minutes (or in realtime if you prompt it to do so) and it’s just that simple.



What I would like to discuss now is the future of the platform. As you may have seen on this blog, there has been a significant amount of mobile development on our Shockey Monkey platform. All of that is coming to ExchangeDefender as well this quarter.

It gets even better: Now that we have ExchangeDefender Outlook addins for Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013 (in addition to our Desktop addin, our web portal) we are looking to extend these addins to incorporate additional ExchangeDefender features to the everyday Outlook experience: LiveArchive Business Continuity, Encryption, File Sharing, Compliance Archiving Search and Recovery, LocalCloud, Chat and more. By further integrating these services with your mobile and desktop (or Outlook) experience we are able to provide a more cohesive and collaborative office experience no matter where you are or which device you are using. This is a significant challenge but one that we are working on every day.

Hank Newman
VP of Development, ExchangeDefender