The Truth About Cloud Services

The Truth About Cloud Services

If you attended our last webinar (will be posted for download in our portal next week) you already know what I’m going to say: Winning in the cloud has nothing to do with technology and everything to do with good customer service. The technology of implementation, scalability, redundancy, system capacity and long term legacy use are terms both distant and hard to differentiate for most clients from SMB to enterprise: If you meet their compliance requirements the question of whether you will make money in the cloud or not depends solely on your ability to set the correct expectations and deliver the non-IT part of the service effectively.

Good news is that we are here to help!

But is it smug to believe that you actually need help? When we talked to our partners about cloud adoption the answer surprised even us: not at all and to be honest we’d rather have our weekends back. Truth behind cloud deployments is that the up front investment in time and planning is expensive, messy and clients do not like downtime – forcing IT Solution Providers to execute complex migrations over weekends, holidays and provide ongoing support for unpredictable surprises that always come up.

Truth about the cloud is that the deployment of a cloud solution is 1% technology, 99% proper project management and customer communication. It’s the 99% of the prep work and followup that is keeping most solution providers from seriously taking advantage of the cloud solutions because without help the ability to scale to the cloud is the same as the ability to scale to another inhouse solution.

Over the next two weeks ExchangeDefender is dedicating significant resources to help you navigate what we’re internally calling Napalm Cloud – rapid fire cloud service deployments for Exchange, SharePoint, Lync, ExchangeDefender, LocalCloud, LiveArchive and all the project management, communication and service that goes along with it.

We will be posting several articles, blogs, webinars and guides that we use at ExchangeDefender to deliver our Managed Messaging service in hopes of giving you an idea of how these projects happen consistently, successfully and with a great deal of client satisfaction.

I hope you join us as we discuss these topics because they are of a great importance to your success and profits in the cloud. Money in the cloud will not be made on subscription revenues, the “free” model has effectively assured that, so the greatest opportunity for solution providers is in providing a peace of mind and predictability when it comes to technology – today, tomorrow and years from now.

Can you say that you deliver that? Hopefully over the next two weeks we’ll help you get closer to yes.

Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
(877) 546-0316 x500