Becoming a Partner

Becoming a Partner

As a former I.T. VAR and small business owner, one of the duties I love about my job at ExchangeDefender is talking to current business owners about their technology offerings. You see, I know how difficult it is to choose the right vendor for your business. There are tons of I.T. conferences, webinars, seminars, mailers, emails, phone calls, and yes; promises, that are made to you on a daily basis by vendors. The absolute worst thing that can happen is that you get involved with a vendor without knowing all the details:

  • Is there partnership program fee-based?
  • Are there minimum requirements, either financial or otherwise, to maintain that partnership?
  • Are you paying for items you really do not need or use in your everyday workflow process?
  • How easy (or difficult) is it to receive help when needed?

Having been in your shoes before, I empathize with you. What baffles me, however, is when you know who I am and who I work for, but never tried ExchangeDefender products and services!

“Yeah, I see yours and Vlad’s posts on Facebook. I’ve been meaning to check you guys out.”

“I’ve been thinking of signing up as an ExchangeDefender partner, but I haven’t had the time.”

“The Moon isn’t in the ninth house. It’s not a good time.”

While I’ve heard the gamut of excuses answers when asked, “Why haven’t you signed up to be an ExchangeDefender partner;” my favorite by far is, “I don’t know how…” Well folks, I’m here to tell you that it’s as easy as visiting our website: If you’re still reading this post, then you’re half way there! From our homepage, you click on the “Become a Partner” link and sign up. From start to finish, the process should not take more than 5 minutes—depending on your typing skills.

The best part about becoming an ExchangeDefender partner is that it’s FREE! So, in a way, we are giving you a way to make ‘money for nothing’ (for the Millennial Generation, see: “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits.) The only time our partners are billed is when they order products or services. There are no long term contracts, no annual commitment fees, and no hidden costs. Plus, ExchangeDefender is up 24/7, 365 days of the year. For all support, presale and urgent matters; partners have around the clock access to their support portal. If you would like to talk to a human being, pick up the phone and call us: (877) 546-0316.

To put the process in perspective, you could have signed up as a partner in the time it took you to read this post! So sign up, get familiar with our products, and expand your technical portfolio by offering ExchangeDefender solutions.

Michael D. Alligood,

Partner Sales and Support

ExchangeDefender | Shockey Monkey

(877) 546-0316 x707