ExchangeDefender Executive Podcast

ExchangeDefender Executive Podcast

Important: This is something new and just like with everything 1.0 we need your feedback. Give it a listen and please fill out the survey:

ExchangeDefender Executive Podcast is a short, 10 minute recording meant to sum up a week worth of news and developments across our products and services.  As we get bigger and you become more successful, time becomes very scarce and nobody can afford to miss out – so we figured a short podcast that you can listen to in your car on your way to work or on your way to the client would fit the bill for folks that don’t have the time to read half a dozen blog posts, hour long webinars or training throughout the week. So here is the first one:

DPodDownload ExchangeDefender Executive Podcast #1 (mp3, 9 Mb)

We hope this gives our busy partners a way to stay in the loop. While it’s not as detailed or as worthwhile as the blog posts and longer webinars we offer on our blog, I hope this is a great investment of time for those of you who have various staff that needs to stay on top of what your coolest vendor is doing.

Give it a listen and please fill out the survey. Have a great week!

Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
(877) 546-0316 x500
(407) 536-VLAD